Hope I Don't Fuck This Up! A single parent podcast with Lili and Scott
Lili is a single mom. Scott is a single dad. They've got a lot to talk about. Join these two friends as they pull back the veil to reveal the joys, hardships, and daily challenges of single parenting. No subject is too taboo or embarrassing to discuss, from the horrors of dating to the joys? of managing kids alone to the frustrating gender divides between a single mother and a single father; this hilarious, heartfelt podcast digs in to all the topics that really matter, but sometimes we’re too scared to talk about. Come for the funny arguments and stay for unexpected revelations on "Hope I Don't Fuck This Up!"
Hope I Don't Fuck This Up! A single parent podcast with Lili and Scott
New Years Q&A: We answer some burning questions, make some things right, and apologize to our mom
Scott takes the mic to answer a bunch of questions, delve into all the hoopla surrounding episode six and the Kylie Kelce army, and to apologize to his mother. Also, a look ahead at the first shows of 2025, including some very special guests!
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Hello and welcome to Hope. I don't fuck this up. My name is Scott. This is a very special, edition of the podcast. Lily, my co-host is not able to join me today because she's off enjoying the holidays with her family. And, I thought instead of doing a regular episode, we just do a little Q&A. We've gotten a bunch of questions over our first seven episodes. Look ahead into the new year, some stuff we got coming up and just, be excited, be excited about the possibility of 2025. So, let's get at it. I'm Lily, single mom to teen twins father. I'm recording in here and I'm Scott, single dad to a pre-teen boy. It's under the sink. We're two old friends trying to navigate single parenting and spending the whole time thinking, I hope I don't fuck this up. All right, so first off, let's talk a little bit about some of the we'll call them firestorms that our episodes set off. I mean, we're not talking burn down the forest, but, was a little surprised by some of the angst. I guess you'd say we caused. Probably. Good thing you want people talking. A lot of this came around our episode number six, which was all about work ethic, trying to get our kids to have a work ethic without crushing their soul. Now, it's funny, this episode made a bunch of people angry. Both from people out there that are huge fans of Kylie, Kelsey to, my mom, First off, let's do a little correction for the Kylie Kelsey Army, of which apparently your numbers are legion. I say at one point during the podcast when we talk a little bit about, you know, Kylie Kelsey's, revelation that she hires childcare when her husband is at home and she is not. I say at one point that this means that she says that, her husband, Jason, is not responsible for the kids when she is not home. She doesn't explicitly say that. And, so I was inferring that, I put it out there as fact. Sorry about that. A bunch of people were, I guess, very particular about me being, completely on the record with what she said. And you know what? You're right. I should be not. I shouldn't put words in her mouth. So she didn't say explicitly that Jason is not responsible for the kids when she is not home. I did infer it from her saying that she hires childcare whether he's at home or not. And, for saying that there's no, quote unquote nice way to put this, which, makes it feel like she knows she's saying something, a little controversial and a little extreme. So that all kind of played into me inferring what she meant. But I didn't mean to put words in their mouth. And I'm sorry for angering all of you. And I have to say, I tip my cap to Kylie. Kelsey for having such passionate fans. That's great. Good for her. And I wish them all only the best. Only the best for you, Kylie may you, prosper in the New Year at the same time. On the other side of the spectrum, I also pissed off my mom, and I say I did because Lily did nothing. Lily was an angel. I, on the other hand, called my mom a mob boss. And she apparently did not, appreciate that. To the point where it is the only time I've ever cut something from an episode. I put in my bit about her being a mob boss. There's a bunch of other stuff in there, around it, and, she did not appreciate it. And so I took it out because the only person I will listen to is my mother. Now, I want to say, and I'd say it all the time. My mom is a wonderful woman who is in no way, Tony Soprano reborn. I just thought that she had certain she was. You know what? I'm not even going to say what I thought, because then I'll be saying it again, and then my mom will get mad again, and I'll have to cut this out again. So, I'm not even going to say what I said. all I'm going to say is that. Mom, you're not a mob boss. Not really. It was. It was just a joke. I love you very much. You're a wonderful woman. And everyone should be so lucky to have such a mother. So there you go. I angered, the Kylie Kelsey army. I angered my mom. Lily, didn't anger anybody so good for her. That's, as I often say in this, you know, in our podcast relationship, she is very much the better half. Last thing I do want to point out about that episode, it's not so much a correction or, abject apology, but more. I talk a little bit about the value of a liberal arts education and how I feel like it, prepared me for, the jobs that don't exist. The jobs that I do now did not exist when I graduated from college. And it was the liberal arts education that really helped me, be able to pivot, be able to, think on my feet enough to and be, confident enough, practiced enough with the unknown to be able to handle these jobs that didn't exist. That is all true. And I still stand behind that 100%. But one thing when I posted this on LinkedIn that came back, which I fully understand, is that the cost of that education is exorbitantly high. So yes, it is really great that we can use our college experience to prepare ourselves for this, but the amount of money that we have to spend for that privilege means really that it is only available for the few. So the vast majority of people can't afford the kind of education that's going to prepare them for this uncertain future. And that that's not particularly fair that I fully agree with. And hopefully, we can find a way to rein this in and to try to bring back some of this crazy costs that are happening around education. I mean, I know Lily is looking at this right now with her two kids and, you know, they're hitting college next year and she is trying to wrap her head around how, how they're going to pay for it. I have an 11 year old, and who only knows how much it's going to cost by the time he's ready for college. So I want him to have that kind of education if that's where he wants to go. But, God, how am I going to pay for it? Anyway, I thought that was a great point. So I wanted to point that out here, so thank you. And thank you for everyone that weighs in on this stuff. We've got a lot of interesting comments and a lot of even just good jobs. Or, I listen to you guys every episode, you know, things that stroke our fragile egos and we love that. And we just love to know that we're, you know, reaching out to people, that we're connecting with, people that that you're responding. It's really been great. We've had seven episodes so far, and the growth has been great. The response has been great. You know, we obviously are just getting better. There's a lot we have to learn about all of this, but it really has been a wonderful experience for the past two months. And so I want to thank you guys for listening to us, for supporting us, for commenting or DMing us all the ways in which you reach out. And we're hoping to just do more and more of that in the future. And so to talk a little bit about what's coming up, we have an episode. Our next episode, next week, is going to be with Kristen McGee. The former peloton instructor, yoga instructor extraordinaire. She's fantastic. If you if you don't follow her on Instagram, you need to. She's a single mom. I've known her for a long time. She was actually the host of one of the very first shows I ever directed. And we've stayed close ever since. And so she came on, to talk about, what it's like not only to, for her to be a single mom but also how does she manage fitness because it is so difficult when you're a single parent to find the time to look after yourself. And being fit is a big part of looking after yourself. And ever since I started trying to do this, trying to be in better shape, I felt better than I ever have in my life. And I'm not blowing smoke up your ass, I really have. I had back problems for years and then I started working out regularly and suddenly they became a lot less. They didn't go away, but they're a lot less and a lot more easier to manage. So it is really valuable what she has to say. It was a great conversation. Can't wait to share it with you. So that's next week. Then later in January, we are lucky enough to talk with the president of Let Grow, Lenore Skenazy, And she is amazing. So Lily is a huge fan, been following Lenore, rules of parenting since her kids were born. Lenore is, a big proponent of free range kids and of having kids learn sunflower actualization and giving them that confidence to look after themselves. And, you know, essentially the opposite of helicopter parenting. And she's this big voice in that world. And we were very excited to be able to get her on the podcast to talk all about it with us, and really shared some really interesting stories. And So that'll be later this month. Keep an eye out for that. And I guess the last thing to share is, there's a piece in LA parent coming out, written by the wonderful Michelle Rafael. In the next couple of weeks. and we're featured amongst a bunch of other single parents. Give a little bit of advice around dating as a single parent. but really it's more about sharing our stories and how we get through it. Because it is not easy. But I learned a lot reading it. It's not just us as a bunch of other, single parents, including another podcaster. And, really well written So definitely check that out either online or pick up an actual physical copy, which, amazingly enough, still happens. So exciting that you can actually still buy things that you can hold in your hands. it's become this quaint artisanal thing. You should check it out. wonderful. So that's all, we have to share today on this special edition of Hope. I don't fuck this up. Really hope you guys had a wonderful holiday and that you're looking forward to the new year. I was thinking about what my New Year resolution would be. What am I trying to change? I mean, there's so many things I'm trying to be better at. And, if you, you know, you can tell from the podcast, Lili keeps bringing up new things that can help me. Hopefully, I do the same for her. little by little, we're becoming better people. I think the one thing single parents often ask for is just peace of mind. You know, a little time for myself, and some feeling that I'm growing as a person, that I am not held back by my responsibilities. And think just I would love this year to meet a bunch of new people, to just go out and be part of a bigger community. And this podcast is a big part of trying to do that. So hoping in the coming year that we start doing some things that are live, seeing people in person, doing live episodes of the podcast. We're launching a Substack, later this month, so you'll be able to get, you know, regular communication from us. And, we're all on social. You gotta look for us on Instagram at Hope. I don't have this up. YouTube. Hope I don't have this, TikTok. Hope I don't have this up. who knows, maybe we'll go on blue Sky. Maybe we'll just be everywhere. I mean, I have all the time in the world, right? It's not like I'm trying to pay for this house. I'm in. But I'm looking forward to spending more time with you guys. Looking forward definitely to spending more time with Lilly. Who is the best co-host any podcaster could hope for. So wishing you guys the happiest holidays. Hope you have a wonderful New Year and I'll call in 2025.